Endemic Species that include the WHS name

Species whose endemic area is related to that of a WHS via a shared name Excluding Birds which have their own "endemism" connection. Including sub-species which have been recognised with a scientific name. Including species whose scientific name relates to a specific location INSIDE the WHS boundary. To avoid multiple "local naming" of the same species across many places without any "scientific recognition" the "local name" must have a reputable reference. Excluding WHS which include the name of a very large area, country or region and thus have many species which include the place name e.g Central Amazon Conservation Complex and the many species whose name includes the word "amazon". Such species may or may not be truly "endemic" to the specific inscribed area.

Connected Sites

Site Rationale Link
Amami-Oshima Island Amami Rabbit
Carlsbad Caverns Carlsbad Cave Cricket (Ceuthophilus carlsbadensis)
Galapagos Islands Galapagaos Giant tortoise, Galapagos Marine Iguana, Galapagos Lava Lizard, Galapagos Fur Seal (Arctocephalus galapagoensis) , Galapagos Sea Lion, Galapagos Land Snail, Galapagos Cactus (Opuntia galapageia)
Kilimanjaro National Park Kilimanjaro Tree Frog (Strongylopus kilimanjaro), Kilimanjaro Giant Lobelia, Kilimanjaro Mouse Shrew
Komodo National Park Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis)
Ogasawara Islands Ogasawara okomori (the Japanese name for the Bonin Flying Fox)
Rapa Nui Rapa Nui Filefish (Cantherhines rapanui), Easter Island Moray Eel, Rapa Nui Palm (extinct since c1650)
Rwenzori Mountains Rwenzori Duiker, Rwenzori Tree Frog (Amietia ruwenzorica)
Socotra Archipelago Socotran Cucumber Tree (Dendrosicyos socotranus), Socotran Desert Rose ( Adenium Socotranum), Socotra Gecko (Pristurus Sokotranus)
St. Kilda St Kilda Field Mouse (Sub species - Apodemus sylvaticus hirtensis - named after the Island of Hirta)


Do you know of another WHS we could connect to Endemic Species that include the WHS name?

Send it to me!

A connection should:

  1. Not be "self evident"
  2. Link at least 3 different sites
  3. Not duplicate or merely subdivide the "Category" assignment already identified on this site.
  4. Add some knowledge or insight (whether significant or trivial!) about WHS for the users of this site
  5. Be explained, with reference to a source